architecture of istanbul artinya
- architecture: arsitektur; senibina; portal:seni bina; seni
- istanbul: istanbul; stamboul; konstantinopel; stambul;
- istanbul: istanbul; stamboul; konstantinopel; stambul; constantinople; istambul
- The Architecture of Istanbul describes a large mixture of structures which reflect the many influences that have made an indelible mark in all districts of the city.
Arsitektur Istanbul mendeksripsikan percampuran struktur besar yang merefleksikan beberapa pengaruh yang membuat tanda mendalam dalam seluruh distrik di kota tersebut. - Levantines, Latin Christians who settled in Galata during the Ottoman period, played a seminal role in shaping the culture and architecture of Istanbul during the 19th and early 20th centuries; their population has dwindled, but they remain in the city in small numbers.
Levantin, yakni umat Kristen Latin yang menetap di Galata selama periode Utsmaniyah, memainkan suatu peranan yang berpengaruh dalam membentuk budaya dan arsitektur Istanbul selama abad ke-19 dan awal abad ke-20; populasi mereka telah menyusut, namun tetap tinggal di kota ini dalam jumlah kecil.